Marianna Pasaret

Interior Arch. Urbanism. Furniture


SHOW: All  Space  Object

Maternity Center

The baobab tree is mostly water, just like us humans, just like the womb we come from. It is the largest succulent species on this planet, holding onto life within its bark and sprawling branches, rooting our design deep into the site and outwards to the people it serves. As the national tree of Senegal, it has nearly 300 recorded uses from food, oil, and shade to shelter, gathering, and connection to the immortal. The unique touch of the baobab is that it serves us much more alive than dead, its wood is soft and spongy, so full of water that it does not burn and carries no structural value. But when alive, it continues providing, giving, redistributing. It is even said that women in villages with baobabs have higher rates of successful pregnancy, whether that is from the vital community centered around the tree or the vitamin C that comes from its juice. We wanted to honor the water that sustains life in Senegal but also the husk that remains when water has departed, a shell that once contained a single soul and now has the opportunity to contain much more. 

New Build 


2023 - 2024 

Honorary Award 
Social Responsibility Award 

The Milpa, group-cropping and regenerative agricultural method, is utilized as a new architectural language to reintroduce multi-purpose environments and commercial opportunities within Mexico’s overdetermined standardized housing developments  

Adaptive Reuse | Thesis 

Salt Market

A modular unit that utilizes Salt, an underutilized resource in Providence due to a warming climate, leveraging its unique qualities as an acoustical element. 
Adaptive Reuse

Tomaquag Archive

Poposal for archival space within the new Tomaquag Museum development. Tomaquag, translating to Beaver, serves as the inspiration behind this project’s foundation. By drawing from the concept of the dam, the proposal sought to explore the interplay between preservation and dissemination. By merging notions of exterior and interior, the archive transcends its conventional role as storage, evolving into a home for cultural belongings. 

New Build     


Sobremesa, utilizes the familiar landscape as a doorway to invite people into/out of the museum environment. The design language distilled from the domestic space revolved around the act of dining, an act selected for its collaborative, egalitarian and casual qualities. It weaves deep personal roots from our respective cultures and pasts into a collective experience shared over the same table.

Adaptive Reuse    



Physical copy provided upon request*
An analog exploration of the portfolio, this printed portfolio delves into nostalgic and ephemeral forms of information dissemination. The formal qualities of the newspaper enable multiple users to engage with the object at once fostering a collaborative reading of my work.


Cuenca [informal name]

Client: Opame2023
Part of a larger furniture collection for Opame Collective. Inspired by the basin-like landscape in Monterrey, NL. 



Floor lamp intuitively constructed through origami-like techniques.  Lighting  


Early development collection designed to promote promote independence and spark curiosity.Chair + Table